“Emily’s passion for this subject area is so clear, and it is amazing to hear her talk knowledgeably about so many different areas”
This course provides a holistic approach to preparing for parenthood. We will cover the emotional, physical and practical aspects that will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate this transformational time.
i am currently on maternity leave
I will be returning to work in the Autumn of 2024. If you would like to discuss having support from me from September 2024 onwards, please complete the form below to express your interest and I will be in touch with you.
Alternatively, there is a digital version of the course available to book - see details below.
I have a Digital Postnatal Planning Course available for £35 as part of my Build Your Village collaboration.
IN PERSON course content - RESUMING AUTUMN 2024
Your newborn baby
Baby care essentials; bathing, nappy changing, soothing
What’s normal newborn behaviour
Supporting your baby's transition from womb to world
Newborn sleep
Intro to Breastfeeding; milk production, hormones and latching
Getting breastfeeding off to a good start
Knowing the signs that feeding is going well and when there is a problem
Preparing to bottle feed
Newborn you
Healing, recovery and why we should honour the fourth trimester
Preparing for the transition to parenthood
Navigating decisions and knowing where to get support
Writing a postnatal plan
Printed handouts
Postnatal Plan template
Recommended resources - videos, local groups, further support
Ongoing support: email me with questions right the way through your fourth trimester